Wednesday, March 01, 2006


Well, it went off without a hitch! We arrived (after a very bumpy flight) and my mother was shopping for her "trip" to Vegas. My dad called and told her to come home, where we were waiting. She came in and he told her that the trip was cancelled but to come into the kitchen to find out why. I quickly snapped the above pictures to capture her reaction. She freaked out and saw Taylor before me! Then, she freaked again when she saw me!

She was smiling and laughing and we then broke the news that we were pregnant. My dad was struck dumb and silent, but my mother freaked again! Lots of hugs and excitement continued even when my sister and grandmother were surprised as well. Everyone is truly happy. Just judge by the fact that my wife got more gifts on my birthday than I did! Lots of new maternity clothes and advice. Plus, some old family baby items that we can use for ourselves now. More to come about the trip!

1 comment:

EJ said...

That is GREAT. So happy that everyone know and you're both arriving at 2nd trimester - yeah!!!