Monday, March 20, 2006

Business Trip

Taylor is leaving for her first business trip in a long time. The previous one was very early during the pregnancy. The nausea is almost gone, but does occasionally come roaring back, as it did for a few hours last night. She is still 80% better, but that 20% is vicious. She will only be down in Fort Worth, Texas until Wednesday, but I hope the flight is much more generous to her this time. She may be better on the ground now, but who knows how turbulence will affect her. We shall find out this evening when she lands.

Until then, this is going to be one of the final times I will be alone. I mean, sure Taylor will take more business trips before the baby is born, but if you really think about it, these three days are going to be one of the final chances I have to do things without having a child to watch (or a wife to watch me). What should I do?

So many possibilities, but I will probably veg on the couch and pass out before waking up at 2:30 in the morning and crawling into bed for the remainder of the night. You know, the usual.

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