Friday, March 03, 2006

Florida -- Part 2

Surprising my parents was great, but the fallout was even better. I know that all of the grandparents (and the great-grandparent!) are fully supportive and just as excited as we are. I cannot wait to see the face of the newest member of our family!

My grandmother and my mother spent the better part of our stay doting over Taylor and calling every possible family member to inform them of the news. I am the first of my generation to have a kid on either side of the family, so it is a big deal. My sister is excited to be an aunt and my dad just wants vengeance on me by watching me be a dad to a kid like me. Thanks, Dad!

Taylor spent the trip sleeping in my sister's room. No one wanted to share with my grandmother (the snoring is pretty bad...but then again, so is mine...and my dad...and my mom...). I slept on an air mattress in the living room, which I must say was quite comfortable. That is if your idea of comfortable is sleeping on a rubber donut while a mean little Siamese cat nibbles at your exposed flesh, then yeah, it was peachy.

The trip ended way too soon. I wish we could have spent more time there. Unfortunately, we soon learned the price of travelling in the first trimester. Taylor and I experienced the worst turbulence I have ever felt on all three of our flights. I felt nauseous, so I can only imagine how she felt. Poor Taylor.

But, we did get to see Alton Brown on the connecting flight from Atlanta to Miami. He seemed kind of snobby, but it was a celebrity sighting!

The images are some of the first things my family has passed down to us for the baby. One is a teething ring made of Mother of Pearl and sterling silver that my father used when he was an infant. The other is my silver drinking cup engraved with my name and birthday. There is also a red coat my father and I both wore that my son/daughter will be able to wear too. It is so cool to know I will be passing these things down soon.

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