Sunday, February 05, 2006

Super Bowl XL

Tonight, we spent the evening watching the Super Bowl with Tim and EJ and baby Jacob. It was fun and I held Jake for a few minutes. I remember holding my niece Ellie a few years ago and how great it felt. I remember holding my sister back in 1989 and how cool it was to have a baby sister. But, when I held Jake and looked into his eyes, it just got me excited to have a baby of our own. All of the babies born into our circle of friends have distinct personalities and are all great kids. It just makes me long for the end of this year when we will be able to experience all of the ups (and downs) of being first time parents.

I can't wait!

On another note, the Buzzards decided to round up all of the extra stuff they have from when Jacob was a newborn. It is baffling the amount of stuff you don't actually use. But, EJ put it best when she said that it is better to overprepare than get stuck without the ONE thing you actually need that day. Well said.

1 comment:

EJ said...

Wait until we find out whether you're having a boy or a girl. Talk about getting a LOT of stuff then!!!! So excited!!!!