Monday, February 06, 2006

OB Visit #1

Today we visited our OB, Dr. Nakanishi, for our first appointment of the pregnancy. I will probably not be attending more than 2 more appointments since everyone says they are just checkups. I am planning on attending the big ones: ultrasound and heartbeat.

The appointment was mostly routine questions and background on family genetic traits to help determine any possible warning signs with the pregnancy. Luckily, our families are pretty healthy. However, since I am Jewish, that increases the risk of being a cystic fibrosis carrier. If we wanted to, Taylor could be tested and if she is not a carrier then there would be no need to test me. But, we are going to pass on that test for now since the threat for us is about the same as any average couple due to being from different ethnic backgrounds.

The doctor also mentioned the BUN Test. This is a screening to detect Down's Syndrome in the 1st trimester. But, it is not always covered by insurance due to it being a relatively new screening. I don't think we are going to be doing that either since it would mean we would be taking our only ultrasound covered by insurance now and not later to detect the baby's gender.

So many questions and so much information to process. It is like trying to cram for a final exam, except much more important. Taylor is still feeling slightly queasy and always tired, but Dr. Nakanishi said that that was typical and everything is on the right track.

Our next appointment will be in early March, and we will be hearing the heartbeat! So exciting! I have butterflies in my stomach every time I think about it.

1 comment:

EJ said...

It's such a surreal experience when you hear the heartbeat for the first time. I know you'll treasure it!