Monday, May 22, 2006


I felt Jack move!

Taylor has been feeling it for several weeks now, but last night, I felt him move for the first time! Taylor was getting ready for bed and said she could see her stomach moving where Jack was. So, I put my hand on her stomach to feel it.


We tried a couple of places and every time I moved my hand away, he moved. I couldn't see it or feel it, so I assumed it was still too early to feel him.

Then, the most amazing thing. I kept my hand for a few seconds longer and felt what can only be described as the feeling of touching the outside of your cheek and gently pushing with your tongue. It was so slight and so gentle, it was awesome! I felt it a couple more times and then we hit the sack.

Only 4.5 months to go. I cannot wait to feel him more and more!

1 comment:

QueenWanydala said...

you guys are more than half way through...
good times.