Monday, May 15, 2006

Ultrasound 2

So, here we have the results of our second Level 2 ultrasound. Due to the inconclusive nature of the first ultrasound, they wanted us to have another one this week. The Quad Screen Test Taylor took came back with a positive result that obviously put us on edge. Turns out that was due to a miscalculated conception date: Jack is 21 weeks now rather than the initial estimate that would put him at 24 weeks today.

This time, the doctor put our fears to rest. No Spina Bifida, No brain or heart malformations, no cleft lip. Everything looks perfectly normal for a baby at 21 weeks. Of course, we did get confirmation that there is a single umbilical artery, but all of the books and the doctors say it is the most common defect in pregnancy and is only a concern if the baby does not develop normally. But, since everything looks great, the doctor suggested we get normal ultrasounds every 4-6 weeks until the due date just to keep an eye on everything. Also, as soon as labor begins, we are supposed to go right to the hospital so they can monitor Jack to make sure everything is ok. SUA can cause acceleration and deceleration of the heart rate, so they would want to put a monitor on him at that time.

We are so relieved that we can just enjoy everything now and not have to worry that something is wrong. Let the fun begin!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks! That's really interesting information. Have you done any colon cleansing before? I'm wondering what are the pros and cons of the different products out there. I also wanting to get rid of all the intestinal parasites I may have. I'm thinking of getting the 30-Day Complete Body Cleanse from Detoxologie. Have you heard of it?
