Jack has been doing many 'firsts' this week.
1) Laughing - occurred early morning 11/20/06 after his 7am meal. I think he was laughing at how disheveled and silly I look that early in the morning.
2) Holding his head up - while on my tummy, he can lift his head completely off my chest and look straight at me or turn his head to look at his dad, or his surroundings.
3) Reaching for toys - while placed on his play boppy he attempts to grab his black/white toy ring.
4) Mirror play - stares and studies at his reflection in his bee mirror intently...then lets out a loud "Ahhhh" and smiles/chuckles.
5) Enjoys books - Sits on my lap, listens and looks at books that are being read to him (Goodnight Moon).
6) Paula Deen - last but not least, our boy Jack enjoys watching TV, no matter what is on (just like Alex). I was occupying Jack with his toys and such when he decided he'd had enough of playing with me. He turned his head and TV caught his eye. This afternoon, he enjoyed an episode of Paula Deen's Thanksgiving special. I will have to remember to turn the TV off next time I want his attention for play time.
1 comment:
I missed some of these things! I wish I didn't have to work!
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