Monday, May 22, 2006


I felt Jack move!

Taylor has been feeling it for several weeks now, but last night, I felt him move for the first time! Taylor was getting ready for bed and said she could see her stomach moving where Jack was. So, I put my hand on her stomach to feel it.


We tried a couple of places and every time I moved my hand away, he moved. I couldn't see it or feel it, so I assumed it was still too early to feel him.

Then, the most amazing thing. I kept my hand for a few seconds longer and felt what can only be described as the feeling of touching the outside of your cheek and gently pushing with your tongue. It was so slight and so gentle, it was awesome! I felt it a couple more times and then we hit the sack.

Only 4.5 months to go. I cannot wait to feel him more and more!

Thursday, May 18, 2006

On the next episode of Cribs...

So, we bought the crib! Yes, we purchased it from The Land of Nod. Man, this kid is going to be trendy. But, the prices! There is no small fee for safety and quality. So, next we have the ever expanding list of furniture and supplies to start buying. Thank god for baby showers, or we would never be able to afford all this stuff! But, I gotta say, I am having a blast getting ready for Jack.

Monday, May 15, 2006

Ultrasound 2

So, here we have the results of our second Level 2 ultrasound. Due to the inconclusive nature of the first ultrasound, they wanted us to have another one this week. The Quad Screen Test Taylor took came back with a positive result that obviously put us on edge. Turns out that was due to a miscalculated conception date: Jack is 21 weeks now rather than the initial estimate that would put him at 24 weeks today.

This time, the doctor put our fears to rest. No Spina Bifida, No brain or heart malformations, no cleft lip. Everything looks perfectly normal for a baby at 21 weeks. Of course, we did get confirmation that there is a single umbilical artery, but all of the books and the doctors say it is the most common defect in pregnancy and is only a concern if the baby does not develop normally. But, since everything looks great, the doctor suggested we get normal ultrasounds every 4-6 weeks until the due date just to keep an eye on everything. Also, as soon as labor begins, we are supposed to go right to the hospital so they can monitor Jack to make sure everything is ok. SUA can cause acceleration and deceleration of the heart rate, so they would want to put a monitor on him at that time.

We are so relieved that we can just enjoy everything now and not have to worry that something is wrong. Let the fun begin!

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

20 Weeks is it just me or does my face match my red shirt in the week 18 profile shot? Jeez.

Anyway, it is week 20. Half way through the pregnancy. It doesn't 'feel' half way though. It still feels like the last leg of the 1st trimester. I don't know why. Maybe it's because I'm not totally huge yet (even though co-workers and Alex have commented that I've popped and am getting bigger every day). Maybe it's because I can still move around quite normally and quickly considering my condition. Maybe it's because I can still sit on the couch Indian style and be relatively comfortable. I try to imagine what the next 20 weeks will be like....hmmmm.

I'm still amazed every time I feel Jack move around. The other day, he gave me a swift kick/punch in the stomach. My favorite is when he kicks me in the bladder of all places. Sigh.

I heard on the radio this morning that it is now trendy to be pregnant. I'm not sure who did the research on this, but I wouldn't be surprised if an industry related to babies and pregnancies were involved. Let's think about this for a moment. Will it also be trendy to have middle of the night feedings? Bags under the eyes from lack of sleep? Or how about being stinky from hanging out in the same outfit for 3 days straight because you just didn't have it in you to shower, fix your hair and act like Katie Couric ( I hate peppy people)? Pregnancy as a trend? Obsurd!

Friday, May 05, 2006

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Tai Chi

It ususally happens after a meal. I'm sitting on the couch, relaxing and watching TV, letting my dinner digest and then it happens.

I wouldn't describe it as a flutter, or butterfly wings (what sap made up 'butterfly wings'? Probably the same guy that sings about butterfly kisses and what not...sigh). It's more like a muscle spasm or a slow 'wake up from bed in the morning' type of roll. Jack's moving.

I started feeling these sensations about two weeks ago, but of course had no idea what they were. I thought it was either gas or my stomach muscles spazing out due to my ever expanding middle. My sister who's been preggers before asked me if I'd felt anything. When I said no, and then began to describe these 'other' sensations I'd been having, first she laughed, then told me that was the baby moving. Wow.

Jack's active. Maybe he can't get comfortable. Maybe the energy from the foods I eat give him a boost to squirm around inside and do cartwheels.

But sometimes, when the sensation is slow and strong, I picture Jack inside me doing Tai Chi, with the look of a peaceful and wise older Chinaman who'd just had the most delicious bowl of noodles on his face.

You Can Tell!

I guess not everyone at work heard that I was pregnant.
Someone at the office stopped me in the hallway and said, "Ok, so you're obviously pregnant! How far along are you?"

Cool! I no longer just look like I'm letting myself go, packing on the pounds. Phew!

This also means it's time to go shopping, one of my favorite past times, albeit it's shopping for fatter, maternity clothes, it's shopping and hitting the mall which I've not done since late January. I've been at the mercy of one maternity jean since late February which is getting smaller on me as the days go by.

Monday, May 01, 2006

Welcome To 2nd Trimester

I've read in books that the 2nd trimester is supposed to be the honey-moon phase?

To that I say a big, sarcastic, HA!

Let's take morning sickness. In my case, it did not fade, get better, go away, lessen (or any other phrase you want to use) at 12 weeks/first 3 months. B.S. mine lasted four months, and played tricks on me. On week 16, I felt 'better' enough to eat some sloppy joes Alex made. Bad idea. I don't think I'll eat sloppy joes ever again.

One book said I should see a decrease in frequency of bathroom trips. I saw an increase.

Headaches - oh my gosh! Every day for one week I had one every day. I had to stop wearing my glasses, start taking my prenantal vitamins again (was on Flintstones instead till I threw that up in week 14).

Fatigue - the books said I would feel a surge of energy during the 2nd tirmester. Nope. Having a meal was always followed by drowsiness. As for the evening, I can stay awak 30 minutes longer now, so my bed time changed from 9:30pm to 10:00pm. Whoopie for small miracles, right?

Swelling - I read I'm not supposed to experience this till later in the trimester. Phooey! Any days above 70 degrees, my ankles swell up. Can't wait for August in Chicago, baby! Hoo Ha! Bring it on.

Varicose veins - also something I read I wasn't supposed to get till later in the trimester or not till the 3rd trimester altogether. Can someone tell the area behind my left knee this information? My vein is not a putrid green. My vein is what I like to call 'wife beater purple'. :-)

Flatulence - I can fart anyone into oblivion. 'Nuff said.

Weight gain - books say you should gain 1/2 to 3/4 of a pound per week. I put on 2.5 pounds this weekend.

So.....when I look at all of this....I think 3rd trimester is going to be as fun as WWII. Wish this soldier luck.