Saturday, March 31, 2007

Jack's Full Day

We have ourselves one great kid!

We had several errands to run and wanted to take Jack out with us. We were only planning a morning excursion to Babies R Us and a couple of other stores. We left the house at 11am.

We didn't get home until 7pm.

Jack only had a 45 minute morning nap, but we ventured out nonetheless. We shopped at Babies R Us and got a second convertible seat for the other car, a new bathtub, an Easter outfit, and some other little things. We met Wany and Ellie there and then ventured to Target.

Now Jack has developed a habit of falling asleep 5 minutes before we get to our destination. But, having the convertible seat now, we do not have the luxury of taking Jack in that and locking it into the stroller. Now, Jack has to be picked up and tends to wake up each time.

At Target, I took the newly roused Jack into the men's room to change his diaper. He looked very confused at all of the strangers walking in and out as he had his lower half exposed, but didn't complain. We shopped for a bit, then decided to hit Barnes & Noble. As we left, a man stopped us and said he we had a beautiful family. He also said he was the grandfather of seven and he knew good looking kids when he saw them. We thanked him and went to the car.

This time, Jack would be taken inside in the Baby Bjorn so he wouldn't wake up, but alas, he woke up and stared at me then entire trip. But, no complaints.

We then ventured to Grandma's house because Baby Kate was there. We went up and I ran out to get some lunch from Pita Inn for everyone. When I got back, Jack was napping and he stayed down for 75 minutes. We then ate and hung out with Grandma before leaving to venture to Woodfield.

Jack napped as we hit the stores and shopped around, constantly seeing people checking Jack out and others coming right up to tell us how cute he is.

Before we knew it, the clock read 6:30 and we had to get home.

But, not before visiting the Easter Bunny. By this point, Jack was very tired. You can see in the picture above he was not quite sure what to make of the 7 foot tall rabbit. But, no complaints.

Now he is asleep after a little bit of cranky crying. All in all, Jack was phenomenal being out for so long. He ate well, had OK naps, and was almost entirely covered with smiles! This kid will do great when we go down to Florida in May.

More pictures coming soon!

1 comment:

EJ said...

What a great sport. We could have been at the mall at the same time. While Jacob was napping in the car w/ Heddie, I ran in at around 2 until 3 to get some things for my trip. Jacob was up at around 3 so he was walking around Macy's.