Monday, March 26, 2007

Jack Dates

Jack was born on his due date
Jack was born in the year of the dog
Jack's room decor/theme is Snoopy (also a dog - and no, this was not done intentionally)
Jack's gift from my work, PSA, is a dog rocking chair named Norman
Jack had surgery on Halloween
Jack's gift form Emoh and Emoh-Boo (Wany and Jae) after surgery was a big fluffy stuffed dog
Jack turned 3 months old on Christmas day
Jack's 100th day celebration fell on New Year's Day
Jack's 6th month check up/Dr. appointment falls on Good Friday (Easter weekend)
We fly out to Florida the day Jack turns 8 months
Jack turns 9 months old on 6/25, also my friend Yea's due date

1 comment:

slacker said...

6/25 is also the start of Korean War... At least according to Korean history books 25 years ago...