Monday, December 18, 2006

A Hard Day to Be Jack

Jack had a tough Sunday. Despite sleeping in from 11pm to 8:30am, he was still cranky throughout the day. He tried to nap, but kept waking up. He then had trouble pooping, so he was constipated throughout the day. We went to visit Wany and Jae, where he finished an 8 oz. bottle (!). But, screams and spit up soon took over and we had to cut our visit short. As soon as we got home, he calmed down. Or so we thought. He kept complaining and screeching and spitting up, putting both of us on edge. Eventually, he went to sleep for about an hour. When he woke up at 9pm, he ate another 6 oz. and proceeded to poop. It was very thick, which may have been what made him so uncomfortable. Silly kid peed so much his poop was like concrete!

He went to bed around 11pm and was starting to get fudgy around 7:30 this morning when I left for work. Hopefully he will feel better today.

Our apologies to Kate, Ellie, Wany, Jae, and Chloe. We wanted to stay longer but Jack had other ideas. :-)

1 comment:

Granny Annie said...

Poor baby...I think he needs some Granny hugs.....