Saturday, January 28, 2006

Telling Taylor's Mom

Today we celebrated Chinese New Year with Taylor's mom. Apparently, Koreans celebrate CNY as their New Year as well. We also decided to celebrate my mother-in-laws birthday today instead of February 2nd so that we could all be together. On the way there, I asked Taylor how to say "pregnant" in Korean.

"Why?" She asked.

"Because I wanted to be there to tell EJ and Tim, and you just told them. So I said I wanted to call your sister so i could tell her, and then you called her. I would just like to be there when we tell important family members."

Taylor scoffed at me and said I would be there when we told her mom.

So, my brother-in-law Jae and I are working to put together some cabinets and hook up my MIL's new television (well, not new at all, but that is another blog entirely) when I hear a yelp and crying coming from the kitchen. I didn't even bother to see if someone was hurt. I knew my wife had once again told someone the big news while I was in another room.

Kinda pissed me off. It is my news too, doggonit! I told her I am going to have to leave her at the airport so I can tell my parents before she blurts it out!

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