Monday, January 16, 2006


We have confirmation. We are having a baby. Frightening. I am truly in shock. I mean, we were trying, but I never expected it to happen so quickly. Unbelievable. January 14th, early in the morning, the test was positive. Taylor woke me up and, in a half lucid daze, I saw the little digital read-out: pregnant. It was surreal. I could not believe it. I had not felt that surreal since my wedding day. I knew it was real and I knew I was happy, but something about it just did not sink in. Every other person I know, friend or family, who has gotten pregnant has felt real. But when it is you it doesn't seem possible, like for some strange reason we are the first people to experience this in this way. We told a couple of people, close friends Tim and EJ and Taylor's sister and her family.

We are waiting until after the confirmation doctor's appointments before we tell our parents. We want them to have the surprise. Plus, since my family is out of state, I want it to be in person. They will be so happy. This is going to be the best experience of my life. Our life.

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