Sunday, December 27, 2009

Snow Days

We are at almost a foot of snow from 12/24 through 12/26. The boys finally got to play in it today. It is light and powdery and not too cold outside. They both loved it. In fact, Ben is steadier on snow than on normal flat flooring. Silly rabbit.

Everyone is doing well. Back to work Monday. Weekends are not long enough!

Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas!

Ben and Jack love Christmas.

Jack opened everything this year and had genuine excitement.

Ben didn't like opening, but he loved playing!

After killing 5 fish on Christmas Eve, 1 Crowntail Betta far.

Ben LOVES his fishy!

The last minute superhero toys were a huge hit. How the heck does Jack know who Iron Man is??

Jack and Ben have watched Mickey's Twice Upon a Christmas 10 far. Good thing Mickey's Once Upon a Christmas is on later today.

Taylor and I did not do gifts for each other this year, only the boys. So, no Lost Season 5 for me....oh well.

It is a White Christmas...and still coming down.

Food was good. Great Korean stuff, my stuff was so so.

The kids are happy, so Christmas was good.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Christmas Pageant 2009

Ben got to join his brother in this year's daycare Chriatmas show. Neither sang nor danced. Buncha crumb bums.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Syd the Kyd

It has been too long since Sydney Lim was born and we have not posted anything.

She is as sweet as her sisters. Ben and Jack have a new friend and partner in crime.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Ben Box

There are not enough hours in the day to spend with these guys. As annoying or aggravating they can be, they are also loving and exhilarating and sweet little bundles of frustration.

Love them.

Monday, December 07, 2009

Gabba Gabba Hey!

Jack enjoyed his first concert. He did not get scared or freak out. He did grind his jaw a bit (as you can see in one of the photos), but he loosened up and danced and played along with the stage show. He enjoyed it and, as usual, liked it more after it was ending. Sigh.

But, the show was well done. For fans of Yo Gabba Gabba it was exactly like the show. It was interactive, had all the big songs (and some new ones), the guest stars, and lots of fun. DJ Lance and Biz Markie took photos with fans after, but Jack didn't want to wait.

Next year we want to do it again and bring Ben. He was too small this year but next year they can dance in the aisles together. It is only a matter of time before they want to see a movie in the theater!

Sunday, December 06, 2009

Saturday, December 05, 2009

Friday, December 04, 2009

Jack's First Concert

Tomorrow we are taking Jack to his first concert.

I know he is either going to be freaked out or love it. He has always been into Yo Gabba Gabba and now he will see the real thing. From what I have heard they allow cameras in the show so we may get some pictures. I know Jack will want a shirt or a toy. We will have to bring something back for Ben as well.

Maybe next year they can both go to Sesame Street or Thomas on stage. Or, maybe Yo Gabba Gabba will come back.

I am excited.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Double Day Care

Today was Ben’s first day at Day Care.

Jack has been asking for him to go along for a while now and every morning Ben would cry as Jack and I left for school. As the day approached that Ben would actually be going, Jack asked more and more. Well, the day is here.

Taylor and I had trouble letting Jack go. She had it worse than me. He was the first, the baby, and a stranger was caring for him. But, as time went by and we saw the benefits of him going we both grew at ease with it. We would still prefer to stay at home, but economically this is the way it has to be right now. I could do without all the illnesses and ear infections that were undoubtedly the result of daycare exposure, but you cannot fault the learning and social skills Jack gained and which Ben needs to foster.

But, we knew that having Sam care for Ben was not the permanent solution. She has been an absolute godsend and saved us the difficulty of sending an infant to daycare. Because of this, Ben has been much healthier than Jack was. But Ben needs to grow. He needs more words and more friends and things that Sam is just not able to provide in a home setting. She has her own life that she needs to develop and it is not fair for us to prevent her from doing that.

She will still be watching them 2 days a week, so this is not 100% day care or 100% home. It is nice that Taylor and I are able to work from home and get the best of both worlds. This also lets Sam return to a “real life” of school and work while also being an integral part of the lives of her nephews who love her so much.

I have already checked in with the day care to see if Ben’s screaming and biting and stranger danger have been problems. It is not even noon yet. I was prepared for a sad phone call.

“Hello, it is Jack and Ben’s dad.”

“Checking in on Ben?”

“Yeah….is he okay?”

“Yes, he just finished making a turkey. He got the marker on his hands, but we helped him.”

“Has he been screaming or crying?”

“No, not at all. He is doing great.”

Big surprises come in big fat round packages.

Monday, November 09, 2009

Sunday, November 01, 2009

Halloween 2009

Great Halloween with the boys this year. The Lims joined us and the cousins got to trick or treat together for the first time. This was Ben's first legit Halloween in costume as last year he was only months old. It was very cold but Ben braved through it the entire way. Jack got tired halfway through (2 blocks of houses, essentially). All the kids made out with a good bucket worth of candy.

No trick or treaters at our house...again. But that means more Kit Kats and Snickers for us!

It was nice hanging with everyone together. Now, on to Thanksgiving. I have to begin the calls to find out when Popeye's turkeys go on sale!

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Jack Doesn't Stop Until He Gets Enough!

Jack loves to dance. Michael Jackson is his favorite. Here he lets loose for the entire length of the song with every dance move he has, plus some new ones.

Yes, he was very sweaty afterwards.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Ben the Garbage Can

Ben can put away a meal. And how.

He eats like a maniac, the opposite of Jack at that age. He tries ANYTHING.

It is an adventure eating with these boys. They run up the grocery bill. Sigh. The price of having boys.

Friday, October 23, 2009

The Wolf Suit

I would love to get this for Jack! The movie was fantastic and he LOVES the book. Too bad they are on back-order until after Halloween. This is not the "official" costume but it looks close enough. Plus, anything more than the $75 this costs is ridiculous (Even $75 is pretty pricey!)

Click here for the website selling the costume.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Silent Month

Wow, it has been over a month since this blog was updated. That is not good. So, here is a quick recap.


Jack and Ben got flu shots.
Both now have runny noses.
Jack and Ben went to the Pumpkin Patch with the cousins and friends.
Grannie and Pop Pop visited from Florida.
Jack had a Tae Kwon Do birthday party.
Both boys are in the upper 90th Percentile for EVERYTHING.
Jack and Ben fight.
Jack and Ben get along great.
Jack moved to the 3 year old room at daycare.
Jack peed and pooped in the potty.
Jack has not done it again.
Ben now says "Go Cubs Go," "No," and "Banana."
Jack is going as Buzz Lightyear for Halloween.
Ben is going as Yoda for Halloween.
Jack had his first bloody nose(s).
Jack and Ben have had no trouble on the bunk beds.
Ben is getting rid his morning nap.
Ben hates chocolate and sweet treats (what a crazy man!).
Ben LOVES pecan pie!
Jack holds entire conversations very clearly.
Jack and Ben miss their grandparents.
Jack and Ben are happy Grandma Park lives close by.
Ben is less dependent on his Gomoh these days.

Jack and Ben are doing well.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Bunk Beds

They have been ordered and should be here within a week. Now, painting and crib storage need to be done. Fun time.

The Jack Dance: A Step By Step Guide

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Tae Kwon Do

We signed Jack up for Tae Kwon Do. The instructor says kids his age usually only last 20 minutes. Jack has stayed for 2 full lessons. He runs around and acts silly, which is pretty much all it is at this point. But, he did sit and meditate and has been listening fairly well.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Precious Gape...

Our boys LOVE grapes - in particular, green grapes. Jack calls them 'aw, gapes!'
Ben eats them by the gross; Jack likes to test the volume capacity of his cheeks & shovels in one grape after another.

Yesterday he was enjoying quite the handful of grapes. As he was down to his last grape and plodding along towards the couch, he jammed his toes very awkwardly against/into/on one of his toy cars left haphazardly on the floor (by him no less a few minutes before consuming said grapes). He let out a high, angry shrill.

I knew right away the kind of pain he was in. It was the equivalent to banging your toes against the foot of the bed, or against a door jam, or against the foot of the couch, the kitchen table, the get the painful picture.

Alex went to pick him up right away and set him on his lap to console our little guy. Jack was hysterical in pain and tears. His entire body turned red in pain and anger at the toy car that had injured his toe. Tears streamed down his face, his mouth open to the fullest extent...and to add insult to injury, the last grape he had just managed to smuggle into his mouth fell out onto the couch.

What made Alex and I explode into the 'silent' parent cackle was the fact that Jack, in the midst of all that pain and suffering and hysteria, quickly ascertained the grape situation, and shoveled it right back into his mouth - still in 'hysterics' over his stubbed toes.

The Jack-O-Meter. If he's still eating through mad, mad tears, that's just how much he loves that food.

Sunday, August 09, 2009

Bunkie Bull

On a whim, Alex and I discussed possibly getting a bunk bed for the boys. Now before you gasp and/or scratch your head and go, "Aren't the boys a little too young for a bunk bed?" I'd like to share the following:

1)Their room could use space saving arrangement/tactic. Bunk beds are a perfect way to save space!

2)What kid doesn't want a bunk bed? It can be so much more than a bed! All you have to do is put a sheet over from the top bunk to the lower bunk and you've got a tent!

3)For those safety concerned parents wagging a finger and going, "tsk, tsk, tsk", I've got 2 words - toddler bed rails! Oh wait, that's 3 words. Shoot.

The bunk beds come apart so one day, when they are old enough to realize they'd rather not share a room with their stinky, annoying, meddling older/little brother, each will already have his own twin bed.

Also, if Jack decided he was too scared to sleep in the top bunk, there is also the trundle bed option. It's a large/deep dresser drawer type of module that sits below the lower bed & pulls out as a space for a 3rd mattress/bed - Jack/Ben could certainly use the lower level beds till one of them decides he is ready to sleep in the top bunk. I love the idea of a trundle all around. It's good for sleep overs, or when/if I need to sleep in there with a sick kid, or for my mom to sleep in after a long babysitting night instead of having to drive home late...etc.

We made a quick visit to a kids furniture store this afternoon and Jack was all over the bunk bed idea. There was one that had stairs leading to the top bunk instead of a ladder. The stairs also doubled as storage drawers (this MUST have been made for someone with ME in mind).

The only thing I could not get over when asking for information about the bunk beds was how much the trundle accessory costs! $198! And the sales guy was insisting this was a steal. Stealing infers someone is practically getting something for nothing. In this case, it would be the sales guy getting a whole lot of something for what probably cost him nothing and me getting ripped off!

I cannot see spending what is essentially $200 for one large/deep dresser drawer. I thought about Kramer's large dresser drawer and having the boys claim a drawer for themselves like those Japanese businessmen from that episode of Seinfeld instead.

I really liked that bunk set though. Sigh.

Florida Imports

Last year the Chicago Maidy's obtained a 'gently' used, but albeit fully functioning 1989 model Gomoh XLS from Florida. Though a certain amount of 'breaking in' or 'getting used to' was required (mostly on my part b/c I am lame do not adjust well or quickly to change), at present day, am more than happy with the results. Also, Gomoh seems to prefer the Chicago seasonal weather as well as enjoy the smaller fellow occupants of the Chicago Maidy residence despite it's 'cozy' habitat.

The Chicago Maidy's, have on occasion, "rented" other models from South Florida such as Grannie, Pop-pop, and Mom-Mom with much satisfaction and was always sad to return these models after the determined rental time.

The other week, I was rattling off a list of places and things we'd like to do before the end of Summer - specifically, things we wanted to do for/with the little Maidys. One of these such items on the list was a trip to the zoo. To this, the older little Maidy chimed in quickly with a "no, Mommy, I go to zoo with Pop-pop."

Jack has a very specific memory tied to his grandfather and a trip to the zoo we took almost 3 months ago while visiting in Florida.

I'm not sure if this was strategic on his part, but we called Pop-pop that very instant to:
a)relay how much Jack would like another trip to the zoo with his grandfather b)display his ability to recall a specific memory from what equates in child years as a life time ago
c)to tug at the heart strings of the Florida Maidys to make the move back to Chicago so that these trips could be made possible any old time instead of a couple of times a year (as from the Three Stooges - nyack, nyack, nyack, nyack)!

On a more sober note, the whole event prompted a bit of melancholy in me.
The whole experience made me wish my dad was around to enjoy the boys too - made me wish my dad were around to join the trips to the zoo, or the casual walks around the block or breaks to the playground. I miss him.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

The Selfish Gene - The Vacuum & Sippy Cup Synopsis

I am a moron to the nth degree with a capital 'N'.

I was sitting on the couch with Jack while Alex was vacuuming around the house. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the kids' bedroom door moving as if it was being moved by a cross breeze in the house. The problem was, we had the air conditioning on, therefore no windows open, and no cross breeze to speak then, what the heck was making that door move?

Jack has never liked the vacuum. And today, though he knows what it's for and that the loud noise coming from it is okay, he still jumps onto the couch in half fun, half real fright whenever the vacuum in turned on.

Ben on the other hand, seems to hold a fascination with the machine. He does not run, or is even frightened by it at all. He actually follows it around the house the entire time Alex is using it. It's pretty funny/cute.

So the above about Ben being the case, I knew it couldn't have been Ben moving the door back and forth and his head just outside my line of vision b/c he's still so short, but I had to ask and confirm with Alex anyway.

"Is Ben with you in the kitchen?" I asked.
"Yeah, why?"
"Oh my God!!!" I jump out of my seat and quickly run over to the other side of the living room.
"What?! What? What happened? What's wrong?" Alex freaks out along with me, reacting to my behavior.
"Th..the door! Something is moving that door!" I manage to say.

Then with a look of total disbelief and disgust, Alex says, "you're such an idiot! It's the cord! The vacuum cord is plugged in their room behind the door and moving as I was moving it back and forth all the way in the kitchen!"

A minute later, we laughed. I laughed at myself for being such a poodle. I feel incredibly stupid, idiotic and embarrassed.

But there was a comical yet dark aspect to my behavior.

In my mind, I had actually perceived and believed something or someone else was moving that door back and forth and that I was in imminent danger. While I managed to 'save' myself from getting in harm's way, I had committed the unthinkable, the unmistakable, unforgivable of 'motherhood' crimes.

I saved myself, but left poor little 2 yr. old Jack on the couch to fend for himself against God only knew what was lurking behind that door to their room.

Jack became frightened...not b/c he also saw the door move by itself, but b/c he was reacting to my reaction/behavior. He looked back and forth from his bedroom door to my face, then Alex's face and back to the door again. After about 30 seconds of this and Alex adding, "you're such a dope, look what you've done to him" I rushed back to Jack's side on the couch. Jack began crying. He was clearly scared/frightened by my leaping out of my seat and tone of panic in my voice. He was consoled and we continued watching an Animal Planet special on honey bees (Jack is showing a curiosity about insects now).

"I'm sure that somewhere in your head you knew there was no real danger and that's probably why/how you didn't think to grab him. I'm sure had there been a real danger, it would have been the first thing you did." Alex tried to ease my now broken and shamed sense of self.

Would I? Would I have done the correct thing? Or would I have been selfish again? Would I have acted differently, or obeyed my selfish gene again? Would I succumb to the same selfish gene responsible for making Ben hang onto his sippy cup of milk even as he is tripping and falling to what will undoubtedly be an injury sustaining collapse (most likely to the head or face) b/c he is too greedy and selfish for food/drink to let go and save his giant Charlie Brown head from striking the floor?

Only the next vacuuming will tell. Stay tuned.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Monday, July 20, 2009

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Stay Puft Marshmallow Ben

The resemblance is uncanny!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Sunday, July 05, 2009

4th of July Weekend

All photos taken with the new Nikon D5000.

Monday, June 29, 2009


Hanbok & Toljabee

Per Korean custom, Ben wore his hanbok and chose his items for the toljabee. He chose thread (long life), a pen (wisdom), and left the money (wealth). Jack did the same. Sigh. Poor and smart.

He did not want to wear it very long, either.

The Cutest Boys in the World (I Defy You To Find a Better Looking Pair of Brothers Anytime, Anywhere, Anymore)

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Everyone has posted and/or shared pics from the zoo trip except the lazy Maidys.
Epic fail.

Ben has decided he does not like bedtime.
He's protested (meaning cried, really, really loud as only Ben can cry) the past two nights.

I've been averaging about 4 hours of sleep lately.....
Going to bed between midnight and 1am and then getting up to go work out around 4:30am.

We'll be taking Ben's 1st birthday Korean style photos this weekend...about 3 weeks AFTER he turned a year old. I'm sorry, Benji-man (as Kate so endearingly calls him).

Gonna try to paint some window sills white like I'd planned on doing over 4 years ago when we moved into this place. Sigh...shaking of head...sigh.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Jack Dive & Banji Walk

Was at the pool today....Ben loved being in the water and even ventured to stick his hand in the mini water geyser and 'walk' in the shallow holding onto my finger.

Jack impressed us by voluntarily attempting to go 'under' water!
Alex said he started out getting his mouth under water, then up to his nose and so forth. However, when Jack started approaching the ear level, Alex stopped him - due to all the ear issues Jack's had all his life.

Jack has an ENT appt. this Tuesday. If we get the okay from the ENT we are going to enroll Jack in swim lessons (for his enjoyment as well as for safety reasons). He already knows how to blow bubbles in the pool with his mouth which is one of the skills swim lessons provide. He's also a very strong kicker.

We are already hoping he'll be an Olympic swimmer one day. :-)

Belated Videos

Here are a bunch of videos from the past few weeks. Enjoy!

Monday, June 08, 2009


For every 2-3 sweet moments like the wagon pulling described in the birthday post, there are 5-6 sour moments between the two Maidy boys. This afternoon, as I was coming out of my room after a conference call, I heard Ben whining and crying in the living room. I assumed it was b/c Sam had walked away from him to get something. What I discovered was my first glimpse at the kind of torture a big brother could and would bestow on a younger sibling, and the consequences of being born 2nd, the little brother, constantly on the receiving end of big brother's "whim" (a.k.a. abuse).

There was an empty diaper box left out in the living room. Jack decided it would be a good, no, GREAT idea, if Ben were to wear said box as a hat. Ben didn't think it was such a great idea, but there was no escape. Sam had put Ben in his walker so that she could go ahead and prepare the boys' lunches (I'm sure Ben will one day seek revenge on Sam for this tragic error in judgment).

Ben could not get away - he could not see where he was going. He could not see daylight for that matter and his initial anger of being kept in the dark soon turned into fear and then terror as he let out a shrill scream in the category of "The sky is falling, I'm going to die!"

Jack completely ignored my commands to stop pushing down on the box over Ben's head. I don't think Sam saw what was going on as either she was too enthralled with making lunch and was tuned out to Ben's complaints or assumed Ben's complaints were of the typical "I can't see you, you walked away and I need you to be right next to me at all times..." complaint.

Note to Sam: You can never assume Ben's complaints are of the typical kind when he is left alone with Jack. :-) It is almost always trouble.

The scene between my two boys was funny once I 'saved' Ben though. I wanted to laugh out loud. And I laughed, head turned to the side so that Jack could not see my face or make out the noise I was making, and laughed in that almost silent, hushed way all parents have learned to do (God forbid Jack saw me laugh as this would only have encouraged his crazy efforts to 'entertain' his little brother).

Ben latched onto me, red faced, tears streaming down his plump, square cheeks, left thumb already on its way to his mouth, and his tear logged eyes staring down at Jack as if to say, "idiot! you could have killed me if it wasn't for this lumbering,laughing in my ear woman I cling to at present!" Jack refused to apologize as instructed. Instead, he got into the box which was now sitting next to the walker and said, "look Mommy! I'm inside!" It was as if his sole purpose in this experiment was to see if he could get my attention to show me he could get inside that box in the most round-about, random way.

5-10 minutes later, once they sat down to lunch, sitting on opposite sides of the table, both seemed to have forgotten the previous event. I thought to myself, "it must be nice having the memory of a flea, or a 95 year old, or a pot head." All is forgotten in a matter of minutes.

I wish I could do the same....quite often these days...

Banji's 1st Birthday

Ben is now a year old.

I cannot believe how fast time flies. It seems just yesterday he was sleeping in our room just a few feet away from me in his crib.

Now, he shares a room with his older brother, walks, is on all table foods, drinks from sippy cups and is picking up language very quickly. Next year, during this time, he will no doubt be yelling something at his brother (and at Mommy and Daddy I'm sure), running around with him and getting into all sorts of trouble.

I know there will be at least one trip to the emergency room before the year is up and will probably average about 3 trips per year between the two boys till age 24. It scares the living day lights outta me.

The kids had fun as there was a playground near the picnic shelter. The weather was COLD! It's June already! How could it have only been in the mid 60s? That's just crazy!

Bee cake turned out - it was eaten - but I believe Alex put it best when he said, "behold the power of cake" when I expressed surprise that people actually ate the somewhat 'bee' shaped homemade cake.

Ben made out good (combo of toys and cash!). THE best gift award goes to myself and Alex however for the purchase of the Birthday Wagon. It's a really simple wagon really - two seater (front and back facing) with seat buckles and cup/drink holders on either side. It also comes with a canaopy. And if you turn down the seat backs, the flat surface then can be used as a makeshift bed for a napping child.

Functionally, it works for both kids, though it was a purchase specifically in honor of Ben's birthday. Both kids LOVES riding in it, and Jack discovered he loves pulling Ben in it. It's really cute - big brother pulling little brother down the block in a little red wagon. So cute! I just want to eat them up.

Photos will be posted shortly....stay tuned.

Saturday, June 06, 2009

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

The Trip

Well, as we anticipated, the boys did very well on the drive. They slept through the night and quickly went to bed after gas fill-ups. My wife, the crazy one, drove through the night down to Florida and back home and only stopped once she thought she was seeing things. Isn't that everyone's cue? She drove for 9-10 hours (650 miles approx) each way. I drove the remainer, which including food stops for the kids and diaper changes ended up being 12-14 hours straight (750 miles approx).

We did learn that Florida climate changes do not agree with Jack. As soon as we crossed into The South, he developed heat rash, cold sores, and puffy eyes. Benadryl did the trick eventually, but he is still recovering from the sores and the raw nose from constant wiping. He also fell out of bed one night and has a nice bruise on his upper cheek. Sigh.

Ben, however, is in good health. He decided to reject formula and bottles outright on the way down and is now exclusively drinking whole milk from cups and eating solid meals. He is an amazing kid. He does have the worst stranger danger I have ever seen and was only warming up to my parents and my grandmother the last few days of the trip.

The weather was crazy. It rained like hurricanes and then in the same day became unbearably hot. Luckily, Florida has two locations: outside and air-conditioned.

My family were amazing the whole trip, dealing with our parental quirks, the kids quirks, and gave us a great vacation.

So much more we can share: Jack fed a giraffe AND a baby kangaroo, Ben said his first "words," we went snorkeling off Key West, I got a 2nd degree sunburn that looks like a huge blister, and more.

But, enough words! Check out some photos!


Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Thursday, May 07, 2009

The Jack Plan

In Jack's Madagascar 2 daily planner at age 5:

1. ask for lollipop
2. demand lollipop
3. throw a fit
4. eat lollipop
5. ask for banana milk
6. ask for chocolate milk then change mind to strawberry milk
7. hit Ben
8. eat cheese
9. refuse lunch, ask for treats
10. watch Madagascar
11. go to kindergarten
12. come home and demand lollipop
13. play/fight with Ben
14. dinner - take 3 bites and demand treat (get Ben to join whining)
15. play/fight with Ben
16. put together puzzles
17. plan next day's antics
18. nigh-night time (but act real cute right before Mom and Dad close the door - maybe they'll let me stay up a bit longer)

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Jack the Lionheart

Jack amazes each and every day. Sometimes it is nothing more than a new silly face or a new word. But other times it is one of those monumental milestone kinds of things that make you realize this is not just your baby but also a fully functioning human being.

On the way home today I had to make a pitstop with Jack at Jewel. Taylor had requested a loaf of french bread to make homemade garlic bread. Jack was in a very good mood from daycare and was talking up a storm. It was beautiful outside so I was happy to spend a little more time with the Fudge.

No sooner than we entered the store, Jack wanted to walk. These days he does not want to be in the cart. I figured it was a quick trip, let him explore a bit. I set him down and he took a few steps. At that moment a woman dropped a bag of chips on the ground.

Now, at this point my instinct was to pull him back and tell him to stay close. But, I didn't have time. Instead I saw Jack walk up to the bag of chips, pick it up, hand it to the lady, and say "here you go." She looked shocked and I am sure I did too. She thanked him and said he was a very helpful little boy.

I don't know if Jack realized how awesome it was to see him act selflessly like that or if he was just excited I rewarded his really amazing behavior with a little toy car (and a LOT of kisses).

Either way, my little guy is a great human being and I am prouder of him every single day!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Videos and Pictures

Fear and Loathing in Elgin

Ben and Jack now share a bedroom. I spent Saturday cleaning The Room Formerly Known as Jack's while Taylor took Jack to the park and the fish store with EJ and Jacob. The fun part, I guess, was having to disassemble the crib and then reassemble it. The first night both boys went down with almost no effort and slept the entire night. Yesterday Ben had to sleep in our bed for his nap because Jack was too riled up to sleep (both boys napped once in different rooms). But, again for the night both boys went to sleep with no problem. Things are looking good!

Also, in the course of the day yesterday, Ben has been able to stand on his own for 1 minute and more. He also has started to take baby steps. Looks like he may be walking before the end of April!

5 weeks until Florida! Still so much to do!

Monday, April 06, 2009

Ben's Smile

Nuff said. Just enjoy the cute smile and TONS of teeth!

Sunday, April 05, 2009

April Showers

The weather should be changing soon. They are still calling for snow(!) this week. The six week countdown to our Florida trip is seeming longer and longer.

Both boys are getting over colds, so it has been a weekend in, just hanging out. Jack and Ben had Kate visit 2 days in a row!

Jack is currently obsessed with Madagascar 2. He loves that movie. He really likes the song "I Like to Move It" and dances whenever it comes on. At least it gives us a break from watching Kung Fu Panda and Wall-E over and over.

Ben is just on the brink of crawling AND standing by himself. He is very willfull. He also loves eating solid food and even is eating bigger chunks of things.

These kids better slow down or we won't be able to keep up!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Walking and Talking

Ben has 2 more teeth coming in on the bottom. These have broken through and brings his grand total to EIGHT teeth. Yes, we know, he is a little monster.

Jack has a cold that has been nagging him, but he has been in good spirits the past couple of days. He had lots of fun playing with friends and cousins yesterday and then finger painting with mommy today.

It snowed quite a bit so he got a bit of cabin fever, but it is melting quickly so hopefully we can go outside next weekend and back to the park he asks for so often.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Ben's First Ice Cream!

Let the images speak for themselves!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Hello Spring!

Ben got his first taste of the park and Jack got to let loose on the jungle gym with Ellie and Kate. Lots of fun with Portillos for dinner. Ben loved, loved, LOVED being in the swing!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Wii and Denim

Ben and Jack are doing well. Jack returns to daycare this week while I go back to work. I wonder if he will have any trouble readjusting. He has grown so much in the past month, I think he will surprise all the teachers.

Ben is doing well, too. He is starting to scale more and more and looks to be standing solo any day now.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Ben's 9 Month Checkup

The Tale of the Tape

Ben: 30 inches
Jack: 28 inches

Ben: 23 lbs 5 oz
Jack: 21 lbs 6 oz

Head Circumference
Ben: 19.75 inches
Jack: 17.75 inches

Ben: 4 shots
Jack: 1 shot

Ben is definitely a big boy. While he is heavier than Jack, Ben's weight is only in the 50th percentile. His length is 98th! Ben is more than likely going to be taller than his big brother. Lets just hope they don't make it into a contest.

Friday, March 06, 2009

Good Day, Sunshine!

It was in the mid-sixties today, so Sam and I took the boys for a couple of walks around the neighborhood. Jack saw birds, a dog, and rocks. Lots of rocks. Ben enjoyed being out for a nice stroll too.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Cousin Fun!

Jack and Ben hung out with Emoh and cousins Ellie and Kate. It was a fun playdate of Happy Meals and PlayDoh. I wonder if Jae ate the fake sushi.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Jack Bakes Cookies!

Jack and Komo made Valentine's cookies. We need to get this kid some PlayDoh!

Monday, February 09, 2009

Jack & Jacob

Jack had fun playing with Jacob during the unseasonable 60 degree weather. Both kids needed to get outside....bad!

Sunday, February 08, 2009

Big Boys!

Jack is officially not a baby any more. First the haircut and now he doesn't have a crib anymore! I converted his crib to a toddler bed. Lets see how he takes to it. We also got rid of the Bumbo and some infant toys from Ben. Both kids are growing up! Now, as soon as one is potty trained and the other is off formula, we will be in heaven!
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Ben Walks!

Saturday, February 07, 2009

Jack's New Do

Jack's bowl cut style has gotten out of control. We get it cut every 7-8 weeks, but it still seems to end up being wild and in his eyes. In the slideshow below, you can see in the first images that he looks like a little ragamuffin. I went and got it cut on Thursday. It was a little shorter than usual which resulted in a brutal cowlick like my hair. It didn't look bad until after his hair got washed and those stubborn hairs would not stay down. So, today we got a revised haircut. We went really short and he looks like a totally different kid! Check out the three stages of Jack's hair in the last 72 hours and see how grown up he looks now!

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Sunday, January 25, 2009

The Boys These Days

Both kids have been sick and better and sick and better. It is like a neverending wheel of illness with these guys. Currently, Ben is on antibiotics for tonsilitis. Yeah, thats right, he has tonsilitis. Jack is dealing with a boil on his butt that is a lovely thing to pop and clean. But, both kids are playing like champions and are in amazing spirits. Today was a good day to just hang with the boys and make some smiles. Check out trouble in action!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Ben and Jack: Sick Puppies

There has been a wave of illness sweeping through the house lately. Ben was losing his voice and barely sleeping while Jack has a nagging cough. Taylor may have walking pneumonia but the medication isn't doing the trick. Sam and I both had sore throats, but I already am feeling fine again while her nose is congested. Hopefully everyone is better by the end of the week.

Ben is able to get from a sitting to a crawling position on his own now and is having a great time yelling and saying random "words."

Saturday, January 03, 2009

Jack Talk

Jack is picking up new words and stringing new phrases and sentences everyday. There are quite a few moments throughout the day when Alex and I just look at each other and ask, "did you just hear that?" There are waaaay too many for me to remember and list but here are some samples....

No way!
no talk about! (when we are talking about him)
you're welcome
I did it!
Delicious... it tastes!
Baby no you go (as he gives Ben a toy)
no dancing!
no talking!
no walking!
Oh maaaan!
I want more juice (milk, strawberry, or choc).
Oh, I farted...(then laughs)
Excuse me....too tight (when he's trying to get by you)
using 'Ummmmm....' before answering any question

The Banji Speaks

Ben has discovered he has a voice, and he is using it very well these days. It sounds like he's saying, "Daa daa daa daa daa!" All you see are his two bottom teeth jutting out from his gums as his chubby cheeks expand even further out to the sides making his usual round face into a square face. His mouth looks like he's chewing something tough when he talks. Sooooo cute.

Ben is also sitting by himself now...he gets better and better by the day. It's day he woke up and decided he wanted to sit, roll all the way over and talk! It's almost as if he was holding back on us till he felt the time was right. Sigh.

He is also trying to hold his own bottle...when it is meal time and the bottle is brought close to him, his arms reach out in a frantic hurry to try and grab the bottle and bring it closer to his mouth. However, as soon as the nipple reaches his lips, his arms go limp as a result of having received what he was after.

Speaking of foods, he is moving onto fruits tomorrow (mixed with baby cereal). I have no doubt that in the next few weeks, he'll be eating the veggies and fruits (stage 1) on their own without cereal.