Monday, August 04, 2008

Ben Stats - Two Months

Ben will be 2 months 8/6/08, however, he had his 2 month well baby check up this morning. Here are his stats:

Height: 24 inches 75%
Weight: 14.6lbs 95% (he gained 3lbs. in one month! Too much according to his doctor)
Head Circ.: 30cm 50%

Constipation is a continuing problem for Ben who is on Soy formula due to excessive gassiness. We have been advised to give Ben 2oz of water twice daily to relieve his woe. I guess Soy makes you constipated but it's the only formula he'll tolerate for now that doesn't seem to wretch him up all day from gas. Sigh.

Fortunately, the doctor informed us all babies out grow this kind of immature digestive system issues.

Ben was very alert and talkative during his exam today - that is till the nurse came in and gave him two shots. He complained a bit longer than last time afterwards. Poor little man.

Conclusion: Ben got a clean bill of health. I cannot believe he'll be 3 months at his next appointment! Time flies!

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