Thursday, June 05, 2008

This time last year.....

So just for memory sake I decided to check out what Jack was doing this time of year last year....and well it appears he was helping himself to some kind of baby snack food (probably cheesey wagon wheels as this kid has Alex penchant for cheese)at Bowl House, one of my favorite places for sushi.

The green cap he's wearing no longer fits him, and the striped shirt is a onesie! Was this kid ever in a onesie? Wow!

I was also going through some infant/newborn onesies for Ben to wear and just could not believe how tiny they are! I just remember Jack being a super pudgy kid.

Tonight will be last night Jack will ever be the only kid in the house. Are we sad about it? Not me as I know Jack will be good brother and he would actually welcome the company of another kid so he can make fun of us (that's standard sibling duty, to make fun of mom and dad as much as possible) and make trouble.

Alex however seems to be a bit emotional - "but Jack will never remember he had these moments all to himself with us..." as all three of us sat on the couch last night watching TV (Jack loves to cuddle with us on the couch in the evenings before bedtime).

I figure what he doesn't remember won't hurt him....but WE'LL remember and so it is locked in our memory forever.

I'm not worried. Jack will love having Ben around....he'll probably try feeding Ben french toast or string cheese.

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