Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Ben Today

Ben is doing great. Sleeping a lot and eating like crazy. It is very tough juggling 2 little ones but they do give suprisingly amazing moments. Take a look.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Kohls Children's Museum

Jack, Grannie Annie, Grandpa, and I went to the Kohls Children's Museum in Glenview with Jack. He obviously had a great time. The place is a fantastic kid friendly atmosphere. I think we may have his birthday party there!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Bear Dancing, Face Touching, and Pong Eating

Our first day alone as a family went well. Here you will see Jack dancing with a giant stuffed toy, Ben sleeping peacefully, Jack touching Ben's face and hands, and Jack eating a giant rice cake.

Also, we weighed Ben and he is up to approx 9 pounds. Jack weighs 32.5 pounds. These kids are BEEFY!

Friday, June 13, 2008

Father's Day Party

Jack's daycare has parties for Father's Day and Mother's Day. Taylor wasn't feeling well for her party, but I went to mine.

Basically it was a good time to spend with Jack and the other kids. They had games set up like golf, teeball, beanbag, basketball, and more. Jack played a little of each but wanted to run around in the fresh air. He is a goofy boy.

Ben: Day 8

Ben is doing much better. He is staying awake for long periods of time and eating up to 3 ounces at a time! Jack loves looking at him and touching his hands. I think those two will get along very well.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Ben: Day 6

Ben has jaundice, but today's visit confirmed he does not need any special treatment. He is eating 2-3 oz a day and pooping like a champ. He is back up to 8lbs 5oz after losing some.

Taylor's milk has started coming in faster and faster. Good times ahead!

Also, Ben is sleeping through the night except for 1 feeding.

We are lucky to have such good kids!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Home Sweet Home

We got home safely with Ben yesterday. Jack was excited and interested to see the baby and has not reacted negatively yet. He wants Mommy to pick him up and gets upset when she doesn't.

Beyond that, all is fairly well.

Ben had a doctor visit today. He has jaundice and is down to 8lbs even. The doctor wants him to get 2oz every feeding. Since Taylor's milk is not in quite yet, we are supplementing with Good Start formula. Ben is up to 1-1.5oz per feeding. We go back Thursday so hopefully the yellow in his skin has mellowed by then.

Sunday, June 08, 2008

Saturday, June 07, 2008

Ben: Day 1

Meet Ben Maidy

Benjamin Clark Addison Maidy

Born June 6, 2008 at 3:49pm
8 lbs 15 oz
22 inches

Thursday, June 05, 2008

This time last year.....

So just for memory sake I decided to check out what Jack was doing this time of year last year....and well it appears he was helping himself to some kind of baby snack food (probably cheesey wagon wheels as this kid has Alex penchant for cheese)at Bowl House, one of my favorite places for sushi.

The green cap he's wearing no longer fits him, and the striped shirt is a onesie! Was this kid ever in a onesie? Wow!

I was also going through some infant/newborn onesies for Ben to wear and just could not believe how tiny they are! I just remember Jack being a super pudgy kid.

Tonight will be last night Jack will ever be the only kid in the house. Are we sad about it? Not me as I know Jack will be good brother and he would actually welcome the company of another kid so he can make fun of us (that's standard sibling duty, to make fun of mom and dad as much as possible) and make trouble.

Alex however seems to be a bit emotional - "but Jack will never remember he had these moments all to himself with us..." as all three of us sat on the couch last night watching TV (Jack loves to cuddle with us on the couch in the evenings before bedtime).

I figure what he doesn't remember won't hurt him....but WE'LL remember and so it is locked in our memory forever.

I'm not worried. Jack will love having Ben around....he'll probably try feeding Ben french toast or string cheese.

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

It's a date!

Ben will be arriving this Friday, 6/6.
The C-section has been scheduled for 2:30pm.
We are very excited to finally meet our little boy and get to know him.

The doctor felt it was safe to deliver at this point...he's only going to get bigger and I'm only going to get more uncomfortable as the days go on, so the decision was made to bring him into the world 4 days before he is officially considered 39 weeks old.

I cannot wait to see him. I cannot wait to see Jack's reaction to his little brother Ben.

Monday, June 02, 2008

Ready Now

I have my last OB/GYN appointment tomorrow morning.
We have moved up the C-section to 6/10 due to my GD and the size of Ben.

Perfect timing too now that he major stuff in the house has been put into place/renovated.

Jack had a blast with his cousins, Grandma and Emoh while Emoh-Boo and his dad installed the new fridge today. He absolutely enjoys having them around. He plays hard, eats more, and laughs louder when he spends time with Ellie and Kate.

Tonight, Kate was sitting on his new red lawn chair and Jack decided to join her...with Kate still sitting in it. Sigh. Obviously, two toddlers weren't meant to fit in one lawn chair but that did not stop Jack from trying. I think Jack needs a lesson in spacial values.

Alex and I believe Jack will try to sit in the bouncy chair with Ben in it. Sigh....sigh, shaking of head.

I cannot wait to see Jack's reaction to Ben's arrival.