Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Fudge Status

Jack is doing great.

His sleep has been off lately which has him waking up at 2 or 3 in the morning and then again at 5am. He just goes right back to sleep when we get him, though. Once we return from Florida, the sleep training will begin.

The kid sweats like nobody's business. It is tough to tell how he will deal with visiting my family in Boca Raton. Hopefully we can crank the A/C up for the little guy.

Currently, he has formed 4 "words":

Bla Bla

Ma Ma

Ba Ba

Da Da

But, the only one that he seems to use often is "Ma Ma," which represents both security/safety and wanting to eat. Taylor still doesn't think he knows what he is saying, but I think Jack associates Taylor with security, safety, and bringing him food.

Not quite crawling, not quite walking. Sitting very well.

Possible dandruff/exczema.

All in all, Jack has been amazing. His favorite food right now is bananas and tonight he is trying some potato. In Florida, we may even make him some chicken!

This is the best time to be a parent.

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