Friday, April 27, 2007

Fudge Goes To The Office

Jack came to visit me at work today. Taylor brought him to visit at lunch-time. I had been telling everyone that he was coming and then paraded him around like a doll. Everyone loved him and he smiled at everyone (except my former boss, who made him cry because he is bald and looks like an alien from the future...or a giant baby). I felt so proud of my little guy as I showed him off.

We went to lunch at Mitsuwa Asian Market. Jack sat and played while we ate and behaved well. I liked riding with him during the middle of the day, it made the afternoon more bearable.

When I got back from lunch, people kept coming up to me and saying how cute he is and how lucky we are since he is so well behaved. I am a beaming father, proud of my little boy.

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