Monday, October 09, 2006

2 Weeks

Today I had my two week check up with my OB/GYN (due to the c-section).
I am healing well, and can start doing a little more around the house or about town.

I have also dropped quite a bit of weight...enough apparently to have shocked my doctor when he came into the exam room. "I would not have recognized you if I'd seen you out and about! Your swelling has really come down, you look like a different person. Wow, the change is remarkable."

Maybe the doctors say stuff like this to make new mothers feel better, but I don't care. It was good to hear it.

Getting in a car and driving around in nice weather like we had today (72 degrees and sunny!) it felt good to be out and about. Since my mom was home watching Jack, I decided to extend my outting a bit longer after my doctor appointment.

I'd had my eye on these Puma shoes (or what I like to call 'airport' shoes) for quite a while now...actually, since my 8th month of pregnancy...they are a cross between ballet and gym shoes. I know it sounds weird, but they are supposed to be comfortable, easy to put on and take off (hence good for the airport), have good support, and are made of breathable material so your feet don't stink.

I decided to stop by Field's, or what is now known as Macy's. Unfortunately, they do not carry the assortment of of these Puma shoes like Nordstroms. So the next visit will be there. But for now, I was just glad to be back in a mall, not suffering from bloating, or painful feet, or just plain drag down fatigue, and definitely not waddling any more, so I wandered around the store browsing before going back home.

When I got home, I wished I had come home sooner to my little Jack! He was awake and spending quality time with my mom in the livingroom. Why had I been out so long?! I missed him.

Technically, I'd been out 2.5 hours. In my heart/mind, it felt more like 5 hours. I'll have to bring him to the mall with me next time and introduce him to the importance of stylish, good quality shoes and the Baby Gap. :-)


EJ said...

Glad that you're feeling better and healing up!!! So adorable! It's hard to leave them...even still today! Enjoy every moment!

QueenWanydala said...

I miss Jack already.

Glad you were able to get up and about. Sunshine does a lot of good.

Granny Annie said...

We all miss Jack down here as well!!!

As for you, Taylor, I'm sure you'll be back in your bikini in no time!