Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Failure to Update

Blog posting has fallen by the wayside in 2010. What with those newfangled cellular telephones and The Facebooks, there doesn't seem to be quite the need to post redundant information on here as well. But, since Taylor has done the majority of the Facebooking, I figured I should be more vigilant on this blog.


Jack has been having trouble sleeping lately. He has off days and good days. We went through a patch where he was getting up every single night at least three times. Mostly crying and not going back to sleep himself. We keep saying we will let him cry it out the next night, but my instincts kick in while half awake and I go to check on him anyway. It becomes very frustrating and difficult to not get mad at him at 4am when he is screaming that his blanket does not work. It does seem to relate to how much sleep he gets during naptime and also whether he has too much to drink close to bed time. He does go potty right before bed, but if you had a cup of milk or juice you would have a full bladder at midnight as well.


Ben's language has grown to the point that you can have conversations with him. He has several sentences that he uses to communicate what he needs. It is really cool to watch him mimic his brother's mannerisms. Ben also has been posing in funny ways to get us to laugh. But, he still screams like a nightmare. They are nonstop and run the length of the day. It is almost unbearable. We have been trying to use the idea of Inside Voice, but he does not seem to quite get it. When he isn't screaming, he is a delight. But, when he does scream, it makes you want to scream as well.


Things are going well and we are on track for Jack to begin Preschool in October. The Illinois law states that children who go to the same private preschool and kindergarten are eligible to enter 1st grade without needing to attend public kindergaten. We would still need to test him for early entry since he is 24 days past the cutoff for Illinois. We are very confident he will get in.

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