Tuesday, June 02, 2009

The Trip

Well, as we anticipated, the boys did very well on the drive. They slept through the night and quickly went to bed after gas fill-ups. My wife, the crazy one, drove through the night down to Florida and back home and only stopped once she thought she was seeing things. Isn't that everyone's cue? She drove for 9-10 hours (650 miles approx) each way. I drove the remainer, which including food stops for the kids and diaper changes ended up being 12-14 hours straight (750 miles approx).

We did learn that Florida climate changes do not agree with Jack. As soon as we crossed into The South, he developed heat rash, cold sores, and puffy eyes. Benadryl did the trick eventually, but he is still recovering from the sores and the raw nose from constant wiping. He also fell out of bed one night and has a nice bruise on his upper cheek. Sigh.

Ben, however, is in good health. He decided to reject formula and bottles outright on the way down and is now exclusively drinking whole milk from cups and eating solid meals. He is an amazing kid. He does have the worst stranger danger I have ever seen and was only warming up to my parents and my grandmother the last few days of the trip.

The weather was crazy. It rained like hurricanes and then in the same day became unbearably hot. Luckily, Florida has two locations: outside and air-conditioned.

My family were amazing the whole trip, dealing with our parental quirks, the kids quirks, and gave us a great vacation.

So much more we can share: Jack fed a giraffe AND a baby kangaroo, Ben said his first "words," we went snorkeling off Key West, I got a 2nd degree sunburn that looks like a huge blister, and more.

But, enough words! Check out some photos!


1 comment:

QueenWanydala said...

looks like you guys had an awesome time.