Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Jack the Lionheart

Jack amazes each and every day. Sometimes it is nothing more than a new silly face or a new word. But other times it is one of those monumental milestone kinds of things that make you realize this is not just your baby but also a fully functioning human being.

On the way home today I had to make a pitstop with Jack at Jewel. Taylor had requested a loaf of french bread to make homemade garlic bread. Jack was in a very good mood from daycare and was talking up a storm. It was beautiful outside so I was happy to spend a little more time with the Fudge.

No sooner than we entered the store, Jack wanted to walk. These days he does not want to be in the cart. I figured it was a quick trip, let him explore a bit. I set him down and he took a few steps. At that moment a woman dropped a bag of chips on the ground.

Now, at this point my instinct was to pull him back and tell him to stay close. But, I didn't have time. Instead I saw Jack walk up to the bag of chips, pick it up, hand it to the lady, and say "here you go." She looked shocked and I am sure I did too. She thanked him and said he was a very helpful little boy.

I don't know if Jack realized how awesome it was to see him act selflessly like that or if he was just excited I rewarded his really amazing behavior with a little toy car (and a LOT of kisses).

Either way, my little guy is a great human being and I am prouder of him every single day!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Videos and Pictures

Fear and Loathing in Elgin

Ben and Jack now share a bedroom. I spent Saturday cleaning The Room Formerly Known as Jack's while Taylor took Jack to the park and the fish store with EJ and Jacob. The fun part, I guess, was having to disassemble the crib and then reassemble it. The first night both boys went down with almost no effort and slept the entire night. Yesterday Ben had to sleep in our bed for his nap because Jack was too riled up to sleep (both boys napped once in different rooms). But, again for the night both boys went to sleep with no problem. Things are looking good!

Also, in the course of the day yesterday, Ben has been able to stand on his own for 1 minute and more. He also has started to take baby steps. Looks like he may be walking before the end of April!

5 weeks until Florida! Still so much to do!

Monday, April 06, 2009

Ben's Smile

Nuff said. Just enjoy the cute smile and TONS of teeth!

Sunday, April 05, 2009

April Showers

The weather should be changing soon. They are still calling for snow(!) this week. The six week countdown to our Florida trip is seeming longer and longer.

Both boys are getting over colds, so it has been a weekend in, just hanging out. Jack and Ben had Kate visit 2 days in a row!

Jack is currently obsessed with Madagascar 2. He loves that movie. He really likes the song "I Like to Move It" and dances whenever it comes on. At least it gives us a break from watching Kung Fu Panda and Wall-E over and over.

Ben is just on the brink of crawling AND standing by himself. He is very willfull. He also loves eating solid food and even is eating bigger chunks of things.

These kids better slow down or we won't be able to keep up!