Monday, August 20, 2007

Thomas & Rice

Jack had a very busy weekend. He got to enjoy his cousin's 4th birthday at a bowling alley and then spent some time at Grandma's on Sunday. I snapped this first picture after catching Jack grabbing a baby spoon full of rice (meant for Kate) and proceeding to place it in his mouth. What you see here are the stragglers that didn't make it into his tummy.

We also took Jack to Toys R Us and bought him his first Thomas trains. They have larger, plastic ones now for under 2 year olds. Jack likes to drag the Thomas by the string while it plays the show's theme song or choo-choo sounds.

Jack's front upper teeth are ready to come out. You can now see the tip of one of the teeth poking out. Only a matter of time before both of them are out and about.

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