Sunday, July 22, 2007

Big Kid Now

Jack is just about to be 10 months old and he has grown leaps and bounds recently.

He can now stand on his own for 30 seconds.

He can now take small steps forward without help.

He is eating food like a champion.

We are so proud of this little guy. To think that 8 months ago he had surgery is just amazing. The scar has already practically disappeared.

I look at this kid and I don't see a baby anymore. He has grown into a child. It is very weird to see something that you watched grow from literally nothing to a living, breathing person. It changes your outlook on the world and the things we choose to believe in. It makes me want to change things in this world for Jack so that he can live a life as good as the one I have been privileged to have.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Photo Not Found

Jack makes some amazing faces. Nothing groundbreaking or anything like that, just faces. His eyes are bright and light up and his little grins just amaze me every time I see them. The best thing is that you can never catch one in a photograph. They are split-second looks that just connect him and me and I know how much he loves me. He doesn't give these looks to everyone. Sometimes I see him give them to Taylor and it just makes me happy to see. When Jack makes those faces, I know he is happy. And that makes me happy.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

How I Found Jack In His Cribs This Morning (Part 2)

Taylor went out of town yesterday, so it is just Father and Son for the longest period of time ever. For the next week, there will be no Mommy to rescue Daddy when Jack wakes up crying at night. There will be no Mommy to get Jack in the morning when he wakes up while Daddy is in the shower. And, most importantly of all, there is no Mommy to put Jack to bed at night.

I have always had difficulty putting Jack down for the night. I think he knows I am for playing and Taylor is for serious business. But, this week I have to do it. I just got him down for the second night in a row. Lets see if he stays down for the count.

As you can see, this kid is a violent sleeper. I found him like this, completely asleep at 6AM. I don't even want to get into the fact he won't crawl. If he can do this, he better start moving across the floor when we want him too!

Saturday, July 07, 2007

A Star Is Born!

I completely forgot to post this when it happened, but Jack made the cover of Wired magazine!

Wired had an insert in the magazine that the first 3000 people to login to a provided website would be able to upload a photograph to be featured on a single copy of the magazine mailed in June. The instructions said no photos of babies or pets, but I sent one of Jack anyway.

It arrived in the mail last week. Fudge is a star!

If you think the image at left is computer generated, take a look below at Jack holding his likeness! Look how proud he is!