Saturday, June 23, 2007

Jack's First Haircut!

Well, we did it! Jack got his first ear-lowering today. He was very well behaved. He didn't squirm or move his head at all. He even got a toy school bus for being so good. Take a look at the slideshow below to see Jack's new coif!


Granny Annie said...

It appears that he actually enjoyed his first haircut! He looks so grown up with his big boy cut!!! :-)
I will DEFINITELY miss the extra long piece that used to stick up in the back :-(

EJ said...

Congratulations!!! How adorable. Looks like he did well.

QueenWanydala said...

I can't believe this kid is my nephew...he's so stinkin' cute!

QueenWanydala said...

I can't believe this kid is my nephew...he's so stinkin' cute!

Granny Annie said...

He look so grown up with his hair slicked back - I think I prefer the rugged look....