Tuesday, February 27, 2007

5 Months Old

It is unbelieveable that Jack is 5 months old! I can almost not remember him being any other way than he is right now. My parents visited this past weekend and they adore Jack and tell us how lucky we are.

I would never take back any of the hardships we have endured or that Jack has endured. It has made us a strong family and the happiest 3 people on the face of the earth.

I look forward to the next few months which, as I hear, are some of the most exciting in all of babyhood.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Jack's New Day Care Provider

Jack & Coke!

Jack in a mock ad for his future modeling career.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Friday, February 16, 2007

Thursday, February 15, 2007


Jack, despite having no voice, still attempts to squeal with glee at every opportunity. Unfortunately, the register of his voice can only be heard by dogs right now. So, too look at him, one would think he was having trouble breathing. Trust us folks, he is happy but you just can't hear him.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Jack's 1st Valentines

Jack came home with a pair of Valentines from his classmates at daycare. Too bad both were from boys!

Monday, February 12, 2007

The Worsening Cough

Jack started coughing in his sleep Friday night. It woke him up a few times, but he managed to get back to sleep. By Saturday, he had a 100 degree fever and the cough started sounding phlegmy. This morning, his voice was very hoarse and he still had a mid 99 degree fever. He was upset and cranky. He had woken up at 4am and had trouble getting back to sleep. Taylor had to cradle him to sleep.

Taylor is taking him to the doctor this morning for a checkup, just to make sure the cough isn't anything serious. I will update once I hear from Taylor.

Happy to report Jack is starting to feel better. His fever broke this morning and his voice is starting to come back. He still cannot make the high pitched squeals when he gets excited but that is the extent of his limitation at this point.

Dr. did advise that he not go back to daycare till the worst of the cold is over so my mom is watching him today at our house.

Dr. did not notice any labored breathing or fluids in his lungs and that the phlegmy cough is most likely just that....phlegm and drainage from his nose running down the back of his throat.

His nose and ears looked good as well...no redness or sign of infection.

We have a vaporizor going in his room and his mattress elevated. I think it's helped him sleep through the night. He did not wake during the night.

Just got a call from my mom....he took only an hour nap, but his playing, in good spirits and talking up a storm now that he has his voice back.

Sigh....his father was once nick-named 'Motor Mouth'. Sigh.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

No One Told Us

We are in the process of finding a new day care provider.

The facility Jack goes to now is not ideal. He competes with 12 other infants for attention. There was one day where he ate at 10:30am, then napped from 2-5pm and didn't have another bottle till he got home at 6pm. Not a happy day. Also, one of the teachers at the day care mentioned she had no idea she was supposed to put karo in Jack's bottles for constipation.

There are days when no one can tell us if he napped in his crib or in a swing. We used to get a report of what he'd done during the day but that only lasted for the first week he was there. We do not get timely heads up when he's running low on diapers or wipes. I would imagine he's running low on wips by now but no word from the day care.

Also, they advertise 1 teacher for every 4 infants. There are 12 infants in that room so you'd figure 3 teachers. Most days, I walk in and only two are there. If there is a third teacher, I believe she is shared between the infant room and the toddler area.

I told myself I would give 'facility' day care at least one month before deciding to switch or anything. And right now, we may be on our way to in-home day care. I've already talked to someone a coworker suggested and already I got a good feeling about her. When I told her I hated facility day care, she replied, "No one told you that you'd hate it?"

I hope this works out. This lady is on my way to work and only 5 miles from where Alex works. Wish us luck.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Boys Night

Taylor had an outing with some coworkers last night, so it was just the boys. I picked up Jack and he decided to be in a bad mood and screamed off and on until we got home, where he was fine.

We ate, we played, we went to bed at a reasonable time. Soon enough, Taylor was home and we hit the sack for another Jack-ventful day.

Now that we figured out Jack was overtired, bedtime is a breeze. Now, if only we could solve the car screaming issue.