Saturday, May 29, 2010

Memorial Day with The Buzzards

We spent the Saturday before Memorial Day having fun with Jacob and Eloise (and EJ and Tim, too). The boys enjoyed running and playing and having a great time. Eloise is a cutie pie!

We also played with water guns outside. The boys loved that too!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Jack is Iron Man!

Jack fulfilled his goal of pooping on the potty three times (intentionally). His reward was this Iron Man costume which he treats like it was the real thing. We are very proud of him.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Monkey Joe's

Jack attended the birthday party for his friend Matty from daycare. It was Jack's first birthday for a school friend. He was a little standoffish until he recognized his friends and then he ran and jumped and enjoyed cake. It was nice seeing him within the circle of friends.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Monday, May 03, 2010

Skinned Knees

Summer is almost here and the boys are itching to be outside as much as possible. This is evident by the sweaty heads, skinned knees, and bruised shins. These boys like to play rough, fall, cry, and repeat. Luckily the weather is beginning to cooperate, so the fun can begin. We have a busy Summer planned. Lets hope we get to most of this stuff, on top of Ben's birthday party.

• Wiggle World at Great America/Six Flags
• Water Park (Elgin)
• Bike rides through Elgin bike trail
• Cantigny or Botanic Gardens
• Starved Rock
• Children's Museum
• Aquarium
• Millennium Park
• Thomas
• 4th of July Fireworks
• Carnival
• Navy Pier
• Brookfield Zoo
• Lincoln Park Zoo

Sunday, May 02, 2010

Ben Words Explode

Ben is now adding new words almost daily. There are too many to list on here and I am sure I will forget some, but he has added at least a dozen or more since my last post!

Saturday, May 01, 2010

The #1 Prize

Jack chose his prize for completing his responsibility chart this week. Well, actually he did not complete the No Whining or No Hitting requirements, but the fact that he peed in the potty every time every day for a week was worth a big prize. And, as with everything he has picked for the last few months, it was something Iron Man related. At this point I believe the Iron Man toy total is at 11. I wish he was old enough to actually watch the movie!