Sunday, December 27, 2009

Snow Days

We are at almost a foot of snow from 12/24 through 12/26. The boys finally got to play in it today. It is light and powdery and not too cold outside. They both loved it. In fact, Ben is steadier on snow than on normal flat flooring. Silly rabbit.

Everyone is doing well. Back to work Monday. Weekends are not long enough!

Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas!

Ben and Jack love Christmas.

Jack opened everything this year and had genuine excitement.

Ben didn't like opening, but he loved playing!

After killing 5 fish on Christmas Eve, 1 Crowntail Betta far.

Ben LOVES his fishy!

The last minute superhero toys were a huge hit. How the heck does Jack know who Iron Man is??

Jack and Ben have watched Mickey's Twice Upon a Christmas 10 far. Good thing Mickey's Once Upon a Christmas is on later today.

Taylor and I did not do gifts for each other this year, only the boys. So, no Lost Season 5 for me....oh well.

It is a White Christmas...and still coming down.

Food was good. Great Korean stuff, my stuff was so so.

The kids are happy, so Christmas was good.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Christmas Pageant 2009

Ben got to join his brother in this year's daycare Chriatmas show. Neither sang nor danced. Buncha crumb bums.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Syd the Kyd

It has been too long since Sydney Lim was born and we have not posted anything.

She is as sweet as her sisters. Ben and Jack have a new friend and partner in crime.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Ben Box

There are not enough hours in the day to spend with these guys. As annoying or aggravating they can be, they are also loving and exhilarating and sweet little bundles of frustration.

Love them.

Monday, December 07, 2009

Gabba Gabba Hey!

Jack enjoyed his first concert. He did not get scared or freak out. He did grind his jaw a bit (as you can see in one of the photos), but he loosened up and danced and played along with the stage show. He enjoyed it and, as usual, liked it more after it was ending. Sigh.

But, the show was well done. For fans of Yo Gabba Gabba it was exactly like the show. It was interactive, had all the big songs (and some new ones), the guest stars, and lots of fun. DJ Lance and Biz Markie took photos with fans after, but Jack didn't want to wait.

Next year we want to do it again and bring Ben. He was too small this year but next year they can dance in the aisles together. It is only a matter of time before they want to see a movie in the theater!

Sunday, December 06, 2009

Saturday, December 05, 2009

Friday, December 04, 2009

Jack's First Concert

Tomorrow we are taking Jack to his first concert.

I know he is either going to be freaked out or love it. He has always been into Yo Gabba Gabba and now he will see the real thing. From what I have heard they allow cameras in the show so we may get some pictures. I know Jack will want a shirt or a toy. We will have to bring something back for Ben as well.

Maybe next year they can both go to Sesame Street or Thomas on stage. Or, maybe Yo Gabba Gabba will come back.

I am excited.