Saturday, October 31, 2009

Jack Doesn't Stop Until He Gets Enough!

Jack loves to dance. Michael Jackson is his favorite. Here he lets loose for the entire length of the song with every dance move he has, plus some new ones.

Yes, he was very sweaty afterwards.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Ben the Garbage Can

Ben can put away a meal. And how.

He eats like a maniac, the opposite of Jack at that age. He tries ANYTHING.

It is an adventure eating with these boys. They run up the grocery bill. Sigh. The price of having boys.

Friday, October 23, 2009

The Wolf Suit

I would love to get this for Jack! The movie was fantastic and he LOVES the book. Too bad they are on back-order until after Halloween. This is not the "official" costume but it looks close enough. Plus, anything more than the $75 this costs is ridiculous (Even $75 is pretty pricey!)

Click here for the website selling the costume.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Silent Month

Wow, it has been over a month since this blog was updated. That is not good. So, here is a quick recap.


Jack and Ben got flu shots.
Both now have runny noses.
Jack and Ben went to the Pumpkin Patch with the cousins and friends.
Grannie and Pop Pop visited from Florida.
Jack had a Tae Kwon Do birthday party.
Both boys are in the upper 90th Percentile for EVERYTHING.
Jack and Ben fight.
Jack and Ben get along great.
Jack moved to the 3 year old room at daycare.
Jack peed and pooped in the potty.
Jack has not done it again.
Ben now says "Go Cubs Go," "No," and "Banana."
Jack is going as Buzz Lightyear for Halloween.
Ben is going as Yoda for Halloween.
Jack had his first bloody nose(s).
Jack and Ben have had no trouble on the bunk beds.
Ben is getting rid his morning nap.
Ben hates chocolate and sweet treats (what a crazy man!).
Ben LOVES pecan pie!
Jack holds entire conversations very clearly.
Jack and Ben miss their grandparents.
Jack and Ben are happy Grandma Park lives close by.
Ben is less dependent on his Gomoh these days.

Jack and Ben are doing well.