Friday, February 13, 2009

Cousin Fun!

Jack and Ben hung out with Emoh and cousins Ellie and Kate. It was a fun playdate of Happy Meals and PlayDoh. I wonder if Jae ate the fake sushi.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Jack Bakes Cookies!

Jack and Komo made Valentine's cookies. We need to get this kid some PlayDoh!

Monday, February 09, 2009

Jack & Jacob

Jack had fun playing with Jacob during the unseasonable 60 degree weather. Both kids needed to get outside....bad!

Sunday, February 08, 2009

Big Boys!

Jack is officially not a baby any more. First the haircut and now he doesn't have a crib anymore! I converted his crib to a toddler bed. Lets see how he takes to it. We also got rid of the Bumbo and some infant toys from Ben. Both kids are growing up! Now, as soon as one is potty trained and the other is off formula, we will be in heaven!
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Ben Walks!

Saturday, February 07, 2009

Jack's New Do

Jack's bowl cut style has gotten out of control. We get it cut every 7-8 weeks, but it still seems to end up being wild and in his eyes. In the slideshow below, you can see in the first images that he looks like a little ragamuffin. I went and got it cut on Thursday. It was a little shorter than usual which resulted in a brutal cowlick like my hair. It didn't look bad until after his hair got washed and those stubborn hairs would not stay down. So, today we got a revised haircut. We went really short and he looks like a totally different kid! Check out the three stages of Jack's hair in the last 72 hours and see how grown up he looks now!

Tuesday, February 03, 2009