Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Jack Says Daddy

This is the same enthusiasm Jack shows every time he sees me after missing me. I love this little guy!

Monday, January 28, 2008

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Jack the Goof

Jack has so many toys in such a small area, he sometimes pulls out something to play with that he hasn't used in weeks and sometimes months. Today, he pulled out his foam blocks and his ball popper. Take a look at how he enjoyed it!

Saturday, January 26, 2008

The Name Game

I don't know if I still like the name Cameron as much as I used to. We had it picked out before Jack was born as our girl name. When we learned Taylor was pregnant again, we brought the name back and decided it would work for a boy or a girl. I keep wavering from liking it to not, but I cannot find a name I like better.

The hunt continues...

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

It's a Boy! (Round 2)

Taylor and I got 99% confirmation that Baby #2 is a boy! So, from this point on we can refer to the baby as Cameron or Brownie! The picture at left is the profile of the baby, who looks almost exactly like Jack!

The doctor who administered the 2nd Level Ultrasound said everything looks good, which lowers the risk of Down's Syndrome by 50%. The Single Umbilical Artery we encountered with Jack is not present this time around. The baby was being difficult when it came to determine the gender, but the doctor said he was 99% certain it was a boy. Very exciting!

The three photos below are cool shots. The first one is a face shot, with the eye the black spot on the left with the nose and lips below it at an angle. The image after that shows two little feet crossed and the final image is the penis (there is an arrow pointing to it). Can't wait to meet the little guy!

Sunday, January 20, 2008

More Words

Jack's language has been accelerating lately. Just within the past week he now says car, Mommy, yes, and choo choo. He wants so badly to say complete sentences, it frustrates him.

Jack has been eating like a little bottomless pit lately. The switch to food as his primary source of nutrition has been nice. He really loves Korean food.

It was -5 today, so we stayed in the house the whole day. Jack likes watching football and basketball. He claps when they call time out and gets excited when they throw the ball. I hope he likes baseball too!

Friday, January 18, 2008

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

The Shirt Says It All!

I am a big t-shirt fan. Ask anyone. I own all kinds of obnoxious slogan shirts that I wear until they disintegrate on me as I wear them. I can't help it!

Well, Taylor refused to let Jack wear slogan shirts even if the wording was super cute. But, we were shopping recently at Old Navy and saw some cute clothes on clearance. Needless to say, Taylor has seen the light and Jack may get some cuter shirts in the near future.

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Sunday, January 13, 2008

Saturday, January 12, 2008

The Machine

Jack, as of his 15 month checkup, is eating food as his primary source of food. Milk is now the primary beverage and mostly for calcium. Well, Jack is packing it away for a kid only in the 65th percentile for weight. This is a rough list of what Jack ate today:

French toast sticks
Mandarin orange slices
Peach slices
Chow fun noodles
Chicken fried rice
Taco bake
Rice crackers

This kid eats so much, it makes me lose my appetite!

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Jack's Words

Jack uses the follow words on a regular basis:

"Da" "DaDa" "Daddy" - Who else?
"MaMa" - Food, Mom, Pretty much everything
"Baww"/"Bawwuh" - Ball
"Oon-Guy" - He says this when he sees an athlete on TV
"Buh-bye" "Bye" - Goodbye.....and Hello
"Ducka" - Not sure

Sunday, January 06, 2008

15 Month Checkup

Jack had his 15 month checkup today. He weighs 26 lbs (65th percentile), is 30 inches long (50th percentile) and has an 18 inch head (50th percentile). He is right on track for everything and is now approved to eat anything he wants. He is also completely off bottles.

It is kind of scary how fast he is growing up.

The fact he is only 50th percentile for height made me a little sad. I wanted him to be a giant, like me. Oh well. This doesn't mean he is a midget though, it just means he is taller than 50% of kids his age.

Saturday, January 05, 2008

My Dinner With Jackson: A Movie in 5 Parts

In which our cranky hero whines about how hard his day of napping and constant snacking has been.

But, then the offer to have dinner leads to the need to make reservations. Who to invite? When to dine? Oh, the stress of it all!

At the restaurant, decisions must still be made. Can our hero decide on what to eat? (Dun, dun dun!)

The meal arrives, but alas! Our hero can barely eat the slippery noodles!

Success! The noodles can be eaten! Our hero's belly is filling and all is content in his realm! Hooray!


The Announcement

As you can probably tell by the blog's new title, there is a 2nd Maidy baby on the way!

Jack will be getting a new brother/sister on June 17th, 2008! Taylor and I are very excited.

We wanted to wait until the end of the 1st trimester before making the big public announcement. Today we got back our Quad Screen Test and the results were A-OK!

So, I redesigned this blog for both kids because I know we would never continually update 2 separate blogs. This way we can talk about Jack and "Brownie" and keep all of our friends and family in the loop!

So, for the time being, Number 2 will be referred to as Brownie. We will be finding out the gender on January 23rd. We will of course let everyone know right away.

Tuesday, January 01, 2008